Subject: I was cream crackered at the end of it all

Hello Friend,

    If you've ever had to weed a garden by hand you would have a very good idea as to
why I might be somewhat 'cream crackered'.

      Now for those that don't know, cream crackered is an slang used in the UK
means essentially knackered,  which means just plain exhausted.

     It was another thing to do on the 'honey do' list.

But one thing I could never understand, is why I have to fertilize the lawn, and put more grass seed
on, just to mow and cut it all down a week later.

   Anyway, after doing all that I settled in to a nice bit of  of Rosy Lee.

(Again, not what you might be thinking, its actually just a cup of tea-only the Brits could come
    up with this stuff!).

While having my Rosy Lee,  I mean cup of tea  I got to reading my emails and here was one by my
old friend and longtime amateur astronomer, Geoff Gaherty.

Hi Ray,

I'd just like to repeat what I've said many times before: My PST is far and above the best investment in astro gear I've ever made.  I have had more fun with my PST than with all of my night-time telescopes put together.  Some time soon I hope to treat myself to one of its big brothers.

Back when I was a teenager, I visited the Royal Greenwich Observatory when it was located at Herstmonceux Castle.  One of the highlights was my first view of the Sun in hydrogen alpha.  The equipment needed for this at that time was extremely expensive, and I never dreamed of being to own an H-alpha scope of my own.  Thanks to Coronado, anyone can now afford it.

Clear skies!


Geoff is of course talking about the Coronado Personal Solar Telescope  .

Which revolutionized Hydrogen Alpha Observing of the Sun for amateur astronomers the world over.

And it is in stock and on sale until this Sunday, May 31st.

Get yours today!

Clear and Sunny Skies,

Ray Khan

PS When you next get to over the pond to England, be sure to try a Ruby Murray.  No, thats not a lady,
     but an indian curry.