Subject: I was a little skeptical at first

Hello Friend,

    This past weekend I visited the annual Toronto art show, that was in town.

No doubt about it, there are some brilliant artists around and a lot of international talent
which was on display at this show.

Collectors were buying stuff like crazy. The artworld seems to have it's own
particular set's of rules.

Hint: A lot of knowledgeable art people have a penchant for wearing fancy scarves
and drinking red wine.

However, occasionally  I do come across a piece of art that truly baffles me.

Such as this one:

   Now, basically it is some coiled barbed wire, and the price tag for it is $3700.!

Now I am not by any means an art expert, but I still don't get it.

For that amount of money, you could actually buy a pretty cool telescope, such as this fine  piece of
"art" right here.

And with all the money you saved, buy some barbed wire at the local home depot, for say

Coil it up and hang it on your wall.

Voila! You are an instant artist!

   Now if you happen to be knowledgeable about art, perhaps you would be kind enough
to explain what I might be missing here?

Or I will have to remain skeptical about what presents itself as art, modern or otherwise.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Now of course, if someone comes along and agrees to buy that piece of coiled barb wire
      for $3700, well....what can I say?