Subject: "I want more power" said Farley Mowat

Hello Friend,

                    The late Farley Mowat was a super cool dude.

For one simple reason: He never let the truth, get in the way of the facts. 

You gotta think about what he said.

He was an environmentalist way before most people even knew what that word meant, in the broadest sense.

Besides being a somewhat eccentric, and prolific writer of many books, mostly pertaining to Nature,
and Canada in particular.

And he really cared about the preservation of this great country.

He also signed up for military service in WW2, and spent three years overseas, serving in various parts
of Europe.

I recall over 20 years ago, that he called up on the telephone, and wanted to purchase a spotting scope, and
asked for a recommendation.   I gave him a few suggestions, and back in those days, people actually mailed
cheques in, along with a note, or letter, stating what they wished to order.

We've certainly come a long way!

A few weeks later, a letter turned up in the mail from Mr. Mowat, with a cheque and brief note, indicating
he wanted to buy a Celestron C90 Spotting scope, and so we mailed one off to him.

Now back then, the C90 spotter, was state of the art, so I thought he would be quite pleased with it.

     A few weeks letter, another letter arrived, and with a somewhat crusty, tone, indicated that
he wanted to see more, and what could we do about it.

No doubt, he had a wry sense of humour.

   So naturally, I recommended another eyepiece.

He got  that was the last I heard from him, so no doubt he got some good mileage from that  C90.

Clear Skies,

Ray "Never Cry Wolf" Khan

PS Hey, if a Celestron telescope was good enough for Farley Mowat, then surely ye must agree,
     that they must have some street cred. to them.  Here is a link to Celestron Spotting scopes
     including the current versionC90 Mak that Farley purchased.