Subject: "I tried to use it once, and it doesn't work"

Hello Friend,

First, here's a quote:

"I tawt I saw a puddytat, I did ,I did ,see a puddytat"!  (The annoying tweety bird)

Lately, I've seen more than a few folks with this problem that I'm about to rant about.

The number of folks that will invest in a telescope, try to use it once, and claim it does
not work.

Now in the rare instance, there may really be a problem or issues with the product.

And that's entirely acceptable.

However, in many cases, it's because they were simply to lazy to do the basic things neccessary to
operate the telescope, so it does work properly.

Such as:

Q: "Did you read the operating manual?"

A:  "No, but the telescope doesn't work and I'm too busy".   (note: who ain't busy these days, heck I even have to book appt's
      to see my  daughters..LOL)

 Q:  "What's the issue?"

A: "It doesn't focus"

Q: "Did you align the finderscope to the main telescope??"

Brief pause of silence......

A: "No, was I supposed to do that?"  (If you had bothered to read the manual, answer yes to this question).

Q: "Which eyepiece did you use, and what did you aim at?"

A: "I aimed at the sky and I used the high power eyepiece, I want to see things close up!"

and on it goes!

You get the drift.

If you don't put a modicum of effort into the basics, it's going to be the old computer adage,
of garbage in, garbage out.

Save yourself some aggravation, and read the flipping manual first please.

Thank you kindly.

Rant over.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan