Subject: "I tawt I saw a Puddytat!" "I didn't, I didn't see a puddytat!

Hello Friend,

You might recall how the most annoying Tweety Bird when Spotting Sylvester the Cat ('Suffering Succotash') in the Looney Tunes Cartoon will
that always express the statement: taught"I tawt  I saw a Puddytat!".

  And then Tweety will  repeat: "I did, I did see a puddytat".     

Well the other day, I had a similar "Tweety" experience.

Except I saw a different kind of Cat.  One that does NOT exist!

Allow me to explain:

Being an amateur astronomer,  I like to surf the web and look at various astronomy websites and that also
includes other telescope stores.

And I came across a  CAT  (short for Catadioptric, not at all like Sylvester) telescope design that I had never heard of before.

So I thought: "WTF? Is this something NEW that has not yet crossed my path?

I mean I read all the magazines and keep up to date with the how could it be?

Here is what I read below on this dealers website:

I't can't get any better than this.....

Sky Watcher 150 mm 6" 


Now I had never heard of a Maksonian Cassigrain design before and why had Sky Watcher, a reputable manufacturer
of instruments, kept me in the dark?

It just didn't make any sense!

Well it was not long that I discovered before I discovered that there is no such thing as a Maksonian Cassigrain (sic)
it was actually a Maksutov Cassegrain design that was being referred too.

The website also claimed that the staff had a "combined experience of 190 years of astronomy experience".

Only problem is it was all BAD experience because they have no clue of what they are even selling
how to spell Cassegrain for that matter.

Look. We all make mistakes. I do it all the time.  REALLY!

Problem is this mistake has not been corrected for several weeks.  

Of course, no doubt it will be changed real fast after they read this (Which I'm sure they will!).

Or some kind soul will forward this email to the guilty party.

Rant over.

I feel better now...

So I'm gonna give you a super deal right here .

20% Off this Premium Celestron Luminous 2" Eyepiece

That's another SUPER DEAL to be found on our Daily Deals  page which if you are not checking on
a regular basis, you might be missing out on some other stupendous offers.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan