Subject: "I am not a Toady" he said: David Dunlap Observatory Update.......

Help Save the David Dunlap Observatory, Canada's Largest Optical Telescope (1.88m)  and Parklands!

 An update: January 2008

"Donor Dilemma"

is the title of The National Post Newspaper   article by writer Peter Kuitenbrouwer in the January 7th 2008 issue ,page A3.

This article is of particular interest because it contains an interview with the great grandson of David Dunlap, David Dunlap III.

Sadly, It becomes apparent at the end of the article, that  the  D.D. Dunlap III has no clue what he is talking about when it comes to Professional astronomical research.  You think he might have made some effort in this regard to at least

He also neglects to mention his personal financial interest in this affair. (ie. His cut from the University of Toronto after the sale of the property is completed). This may be due to the terms of his agreement to not disclose the terms of the deal. But that's another story…………..

Here is the link to the article:

Several organizations are working to try and preserve this fine institution, now that the University of Toronto has declared the observatory and lands as surplus to their needs. 

Here are some links to some of the groups, please support their efforts in any way you can:

Royal Astronomical Society of Canada - Toronto Centre:

The Royal Astronomical Society  Toronto Centre, has spearheaded a working group,  to save the DDO.  The details are at their website at www.observatory  Please visit the site which is continually updated as further developments take place.

Save the DDO FaceBook Group-Join the Facebook Group!

Save the DDO!  Mathew Calamanici is a concerned Richmond Hill resident who is making a concerted Effort to save the observatory.

Richmond Hill Naturalists - Save the Observatory

A group of naturalists who are concerned about the environmental impact of  destroying the Carolinian Forest that surrounds the Observatory.
Helen Sawyer Hogg, a Professional astronomer at the DDO for many years,  was a founding member of this group.

The North York Astronomical Association:

These are the folks that organize and bring together in Mount Forest, Ontario Canada every year, the STARFEST astronomy Convention. They are supporting the initiative. 

 visit their website at:  

Queens Park Rally. (Toronto)  

Where: Queens Park Grounds, Toronto
When: January 16th 2008, 12 noon.   

An organized rally is being held at Queens Park (University Avenue  in Toronto) in a further effort to bring more attention to the efforts of many concerned citizens.

This rally has been organized by Tom Karmo , in conjuction with the Richmond Hill Naturalists and other concerned citizens.
You are invited to join and take part in this event. Please feel free to bring a banner, a placard and show your support.

Your Friends at Khan Scope Centre

Ray, Eric, Mike, and Gord