Subject: How you can get Lucky on Friday the 13th

Hello Friend,

For all you single guys out there that want to get Lucky on Friday the 13th, well I'm not
going to be writing about that kind of lucky today.

Soon enough though.


Because it seems  some of you  guys are having a real tough time today in your relationships with
girlfriends, wives 

How do I know this?


Whenever I am pumping Iron in the gym, I get dudes asking me random questions about this stuff.

Not kidding either.  

Young and old, it's on a lot of people minds these days.

How did we get into this current "state of affairs?"  (Ok, poor choice of words I admit).

Hell, it's so bad I might have to postpone the Astronomy book I am writing and do one on relationships

Blame Feminism? Blame #Metoo? Blame women in general?

Naw. I don't think that is going be helpful.

Here's a quick tip: What do you do if your sweetie is giving you a hard time or making your life difficult?
Even worse, she cheated on you?

You dump her and fast, that's what you do.  (Same advice  applies to the ladies here btw).

Or, you can try work through the issues.  (Unless she cheated: Then dump her faster than you can say: "fiddlesticks!".

Question: What do you do when your telescope is no longer working for you? It's no longer seducing you
into taking it out? It's no longer getting you excited about Stargazing or imaging?

Well you do the same thing: You get rid of it and replace it with something that works for you.

Dammit. We all change over time and so do your needs and interests.

For example: 

  • *Need  more portablity
  • Moving to a condo
  • Selling your cottage
  • Buying a cottage
  • Building an observatory
  • Different optical design
  • Better optical performance
Those are just some of the reasons.

Anyway, if you want to read about our trade-in and purchase program you will find all the details
right here.  

direct link:

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan 

PS Yes,  I really am writing a book on the telescope industry. Been in it well over 3 decades and have
lots of stories to tell.  More details coming soon! Stay tuned....