Subject: How to ruin your life Conspiracy theories?

Hello Friend,

Have you ever met a person who is completely wrapped up in conspiracy theories?

I  have, just the other day in fact:

This is what he believed:

*The earth is flat  (Flat earth society)

*We never landed on the moon (Filmed by Stanley Kubrick of 2001 fame Conspiracy)

* 9/11 was an inside job by the US government

*The earth is 6000 years old, according to biblical records.

and that was just a few ideas that he had. And he was dead serious about it.

Needless to say we had to agree to disagree and be civil, though I was sorely tempted to do otherwise.

My sweetie said "No!"

Better thing to do was to take him out under the night sky and point out some of the planets and constellations
and talk about exoplanets, which is exactly what I did.

That is the beauty of astronomy and science. You are left with more questions than answers, but you also learn
to think about what you are observing and all the possibilities.

The danger of watching conspiracy theories on youtube is that it can make you feel listless and hopeless, just like the cult members of  the
Jim Jones cult, who committed mass suicide.

Just something to think about today, that's all.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS I asked the fellow if he believed in Bigfoot, (I'm not kidding)  you don't want to know the answer to that.

