Subject: How to get your 13 year old daughter off facebook

Hello Friend,

It's amazing how much time kids (and adults) spend  mucking around on
Facebook with so called  "friends".

    According to some stats. I read recently, while someone may very have
1000 facebook friends, they likely only have about 3-4 real friends out of that

     Of course, for some teenage girls, the more friends you have might be
a strong indicator of popularity perhaps.

I dunno.

    So, next time your daughter (or son) are hanging around the house
with their friends texting each other and otherson  facebook  instagram
or whatever the latest social media ap is.

Consider  pointing your telescope
at a night sky object, even the moon for example and invite them to
have a look.

   Then start a  conversation about it .

Give them something that is real to think about.

Now of course, that assumes that you have some ability to talk to a
teenager these days.

It can be a  real challenge at the best of times.

    I can recall what a pain I was as a teenager sometimes for my parents.

My friends and I  did all sorts of crazy stuff.   

Like the time my friend Dave climbed out of the 2nd floor bedroom window
when he was grounded by his mother, and hit the ground, and broke his ankle.


All right, that's my rant for today.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS I have been asked why I write so many emails. The quick answer is that is
     less costly than seeing a therapist. :)