Subject: How to get the best optical images from your telescope.

Hello Friend,

There is nothing like the joy of observing through a well aligned (collimated) telescope.

Seriously, if your optics are not in good optical alignment (and this includes refractor telescopes),
you simply won't get good quality images.

I noticed that a few telescopes that I observed through recently, at a Star Party were not in good alignment
and that can be frustrating for the observer.

The main culprits tend to be: Dobsonian telescopes, SCT's. 

Some folks actually believe their eyesight is the culprit (diminishing with age), when in fact, that
is not the problem at all.

Your eyes will try to compensate for a poorly aligned telescope.  Unfortunately, that in itself
causes eye strain, and even headaches.

Personally, I use a quality laser collimator.  I've seen some crappy ones on the market,
that themselves are out of collimation.  Can you believe?

I'll be sending you some solutions to this problem shortly, so be on the lookout for it.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS One of my favorite tools, designed by my buddy David Hotech, is the Hotech Laser Collimator.  
It's the best quality collimator that I've used. Mention this newsletter, and you will get FREE SHIPPING,
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