Subject: How to avoid the #1 Telescope frustration with Celestron Computerized telescopes

Hello Friend,

If you own a Celestron computerized telescope, and you have done a 2 star or 3-star alignment to get the telescope
initially aligned you know what a pain in the butt this can sometimes be.

Especially on cold winter nights.  

It ain't fun.

When Celestron released the  StarSense AutoAlign device in 2014, I was excited about getting one to
try out just in time for the Starfest astronomy convention.

Testing out new technology, especially in a field location can either work well or be a total disaster in some cases.

In this instance, the StarSense auto align device was installed  and tested on a  Celestron Nexstar 8 SE    telescope,

I flipped the switch, crossed my fingers and hoped it would do what it's supposed to do.

And guess what?

It did exactly that!   It worked like a charm, and I was delighted.  In under 5 minutes, the telescope self-aligned itself
and was ready to start showing whatever objects I wanted to look at. 

With no further effort on my part,   It was a Eureka moment.

It is one of the best devices I can recommend for any owner of a Celestron telescope.

Having said that, because it is a high-tech gadget, it's one of the pricier accessories. 

It is also the one accessory that we have never put on sale.

In the spirit of giving for the holiday season, I am going to  offer you a 10% discount on the Celestron Starsense
 for a very limited time.

direct link:

So if you are still wondering what to put under the tree for you or someone else, here is your chance to get one of the
most remarkable time-saving and frustration skipping technologies .

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS If you are wondering whether your 'Celestron telescope is compatible with the Starsense device, there is a list
     of compatible instruments at the link.  The majority of Celestron telescopes will work.  The device will not work with other
brands of telescopes.