Subject: How to avoid changing eyepieces when it's colder than a woman from Siberia!

Hello Friend,

                      Colder than a girl from Siberia?

Well, I better 'fess up here and admit I actually haven't met any women from Siberia as of late,
so I might be a tad wrong on that one. 

     However, there was this one lady I knew from Newmarket.....and whoops! I'm getting sidetracked....

               Seriously though,  imagine you are looking at an interesting night sky object, through your

Planet, Open cluster,deep sky object, or even the Moon.

There is nothing more annoying than having to switch eyepieces,
especially when you just want to have a look see at a slightly higher or lower magnification to determine
what's best suited for the particular object in your field of view.

And that's where are ingenious friends at Baader Planetarium have stepped up to the plate and introduced
the Godsend of the  Baader Planetarium Q-Turret Eyepeice Set!

It's really quite clever you see.

No fancy cosmetics here, just rock solid optical quality, and four high quality eyepieces, installed on a precision
turret, that you just rotate to change the observing magnifications.

   Now of course, the magnifications you get are determined by the focal length of your particular telescope.

Best part is, your hands stay warm in their gloves, and you aren't messing around with having to change eyepieces.

Plus, it's threaded to accept 1.25" filters as well!

This kit will work on all makes and brands of telescopes, including most newtonians  Friend.

Here is the link again: Baader Planetarium Classic Eyepieces and Q-Turret Eyepiece Sets

Clear Skies,

Ray "Turn the Turret" Khan

PS I want to emphasize that Baader optical designers utilized the highly coveted Zeiss Jena specs. for building the eyepieces
     that are included with this system.