Subject: How many ways can your telescope torment you?

Hello Friend,

Tormented by his telescope.

That's what I heard from reader, Richard N. who despite following the instructions, found that his computerized
telescope "had a mind of it's own".

On one night, it would behave and do what it was supposed to do.

Another night, it was complete frustration.

In fact, he eventually just took the optical tube off, and mounted it on
a different, mount system.

Clever chap!

Now, I admit I have been there and had the same experience.

It was back around the year 2000 or so.

It was a public night at the David Dunlap Observatory, where members of the public could attend
a lecture
and after looking through the big 74 inch telescope, then come down and look through amateur
telescopes set up by local RASC members.

And it was with a new computerized 8" telescope, that no matter how carefully I followed the alignment
procedure, the darn thing just wouldn't point where it was supposed to.

I requested it locate Jupiter, and it ended up somewhere near the big dipper.

Of course, I thought I must be doing something wrong.  

After about 4 attempts, I gave up and just used the bloody thing manually, so I could
get on with the evening.

I must have spent the next few weeks trying to figure it all out.

I spoke to the manufacturer, and their technical support people.

Heaven forbid; I was not giving up that easily......

(to be continued.....).

Clear  Skies,

Ray Khan