Subject: How a Jesus belt buckle can save your life!

Hello Friend,

         When you're on the road, the sign of a Tim Horton's is like a pilgramage to Mecca might be for some folks.

  Ok, not exactly, but you get the idea....

       For the March break, I am at my house on Manitoulin Island.   It's in the central part of the island, in a town
called Mindemoya .

       The nearest Tim Horton's is over an hour away in another town called Espanola.

I've heard that some locals will actually do a day trip to Espanola, to shop and hang out at the Tim Horton's.

   I'm not one of them.

Reason being is that we have an amazing coffee shop in "downtown" Mindemoya,
which makes not only great coffee and latte's, but it's run by a local couple, Lloyd & Laurie.

   Yesterday, when I popped in, I noticed Lloyd was wearing a rather large belt buckle, which said: "Jesus"
on it.  I mean it was at least 6 inches long and 2 inches wide.  You couldn't miss it.

   Now, from what I  know about Lloyd,  he knows martial arts, and works out a lot, and
 (little odd that he runs a coffee shop...however), and used to be a truckdriver, has some tattoos,
and cusses on the odd occasion.

    I mentioned the buckle, since it was kinda in my face, and that's when he told me that he really was
not promoting any particular religion, but this particular belt and  buckle was in fact a deadly weapon,
if he was accosted by someone threatening him with a knife in their hand.


He then said, that if neccessary, he could in an instant, release the buckle, whip off the belt, and disarm
someone that might be holding a knife or wanting to threaten, or rob or attack him.

Remarkable I thought, as he handed me my coffee, and I paid and quickly backed up from the counter.

        Anyway, that's a small insight into small town life, here on the Island, where rush hour consists of
about 4 cars.  And parking is still free.

        Be on the lookout for tommorow's email, because we have a new promotion starting then, and its
one you won't want to miss....

Happy Friday, Friend,

Ray "buckling down" Khan

PS To heat the house, we actually burn wood.  Yep, you gotta chop it, stack it and haul it up.
  It's been a long Winter, and the wood supply is running low.  Might have to buy my honey
a new chainsaw this year.