Subject: How Observe the Night Sky in comfort in the fall and winter

Hello Friend,

One of the common complaints visual amateur astronomers have is how difficult it can sometimes be to observe visually through a
telescope eyepiece. There are a number of reasons for this, but it is especially true if you are observing faint objects, such as Galaxies,
Nebulaes and Star Clusters. Planets and brighter night sky objects are easier to observe.

Here are a few tips to make observing a bit easier for you:

1) Be seated on a stool or chair. This allows your head to stop "bobbing" around the eyepiece and keeps you
    steady. Also because you are more relaxed, you will have a tendency to see more subtle details, than you might
    if standing. Using an adjustable chair, such as the starbound chair, my personal favorite, because it has a nice padded seat.

2) Dress in layers, and warmly in the fall and winter months. You will find if you are dressed properly, the cold won't bother you
    as much. Some of the best observing is in the Fall and Winter. Because it gets dark earlier, you can get out earlier, and still
    get to bed at a reasonable time.

3) Take your favorite warm drink, hot chocolate, Cocoa, Coffee or Tea. Having a thermos filled with a warm beverage
    beside you, helps you get through the night. Have a hot toddy if you must, but remember alcohol does impair your
    ability to observe. This is also best done in your backyard, and not at all if you are driving to your observing location.

4)If observing where there is ambient light around you,  cover your head and telescope eyepiece with a breathable, lightweight cloth
   or a Monks hood if available. You will see more details through your instrument if you are not distracted by other lights around you.

If you have any of your own observing tips to share, drop an email to, so we can share them!

     Another great observing accessory, as reported by several customers, is the New Mallincam Xtreme  CCD imaging/Video Camera.
Basically, it replaces your eyepiece, and you can observe with much more comfort on the screen of your laptop computer
or a small computer monitor. Due to the Mallincam Xtreme's high degree of sensitivity, you instrument will actually see
far more details, than you could ever see with your naked eye. Your telescope will behave like it has added extra inches of aperture.
Imagine seeing the Dust lanes on M51, the Spiral Galaxy for example through a 6 inch telescope! Yep, it's pretty impressive.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

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