Subject: How Harry Houdini tried to communicate from beyond the grave..............

Hello Friend,

As a youngster growing up, I was always fascinated with Magic, and magicians. I remember going to the library with my cousin, and we would
read books on magic tricks, and how to perform them.  Fortunately, their was a magic shop in town too, so we spent most of our allowances there.
I remember reading a book about the amazing escape artist  Harry Houdini, written by a fellow called Walter Gibson.

Harry Houdini was one of the greatest Magicians and escape artists to perform;

The magician died at the age of 52 on October 31, 1926 from peritonitis - an internal infection - as the result of a ruptured appendix.

Houdini was very much attached to his mother, and when she passed away, he contacted
several mediums to see if they could communicate with his mother. He exposed them as frauds, when this could not be done. Then he made it his life's mission to continue to expose fake mediums.

Shortly before his death, Houdini made a pact with his wife  Bess that if he could, he would return and make contact with her from the other side. They devised a coded message that only he and Bess knew; this would prove that it really was Houdini breaking through from the afterlife. But after 10 séances in 10 years, Bess had not received her beloved husband's personal message.

Many others have tried, and continue to try on Halloween night to communicate with Houdini. So far the Great Houdini has not made his presence known.

 The Houdini séance has been a Halloween tradition since the first anniversary of his death and continues today.

Happy Halloween, Friend!,

Ray Khan

PS If you have kids in your neighbourhood that come around for treats tonite, how about treating them to an amazing spectacle of the night sky?
Show them the Planet Jupiter, or the Moon through your telescope. If it is clear tonite, set up your scope, and greet your friends and neighbours
with a REAL TREAT!

Khan Scope Centre
3243 Dufferin Street
Toronto, Ontario. Canada.
M6A 2T2

Toll Free: 1 800 580 7160 or local 416 783 4140



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