Subject: Honouring History with Respect this Father's Day: A Reflection from Across the Pond

As we approach the special day dedicated to all fathers and father figures - Father's Day, I find myself reflecting on a recent experience and the profound legacy of my own father that I wanted to share with you.

On a recent trip to my hometown of London, I visited the iconic Battle of Britain Monument on the Victoria Embankment.

This grand memorial serves as a testament to the brave men who fought fiercely to protect our skies during the darkest days of World War II. As the child of a former Royal Indian Air Force officer who was based in Karachi, Pakistan, these tributes carry a deeply personal significance for me.

However, during my visit, I was disconcerted by an observation: many passersby, primarily tourists, were snapping casual, smiling selfies in front of this poignant memorial. As a proud Londoner, now residing in the city of Toronto, this sight troubled me.

These memorials are more than just stone and metal; they are the embodiment of courage, sacrifice, and resilience that has shaped our world. They represent individuals like my father, who dedicated themselves to ensuring a safer future for their children.

As we gear up to celebrate Father's Day, I invite us all to remember these individuals. In their honour, and for all fathers who have made sacrifices for their children, I urge us to approach such memorials with the respect they deserve. Our engagement with these testaments to our shared history should inspire reflection, gratitude, and a commitment to uphold the values they represent.

So this Father's Day, whether you're in Toronto, London, or anywhere else in the world, take a moment to reflect on the legacy of these brave men.

Share their stories and the lessons they impart with your loved ones. In doing so, we can show our respect for the past while nurturing a more thoughtful future.

Thank you for allowing me to share these sentiments with you.

I appreciate your continued support and wish you and your loved ones a reflective and meaningful Father's Day.

Kind regards,

Ray Khan