Subject: Here are some new exciting NEW product delivery updates for you, Friend

Hello Friend,

There are several exciting new products hitting the marketplace this Spring;

Here is an update on the status of some of these items;

First of all, if you are looking for a  Coronado or Lunt Solar Scope, we are getting stock
coming and going on a regular basis. However, stock sells very quickly when it comes in,
and thus we strongly recommend you place your order in advance; at least 60 days prior
to you wanting it.

The huge increase in Solar Activity this year, has created an unprecedented demand for these
instruments. Available in all sizes from 40mm and up!
We also accept trade in's of these instruments towards bigger aperture H-Alpha scopes.

Here is a question someone asked us in the store the other day;

What is the difference between a white light solar filter and an H Alpha Solar filter?

Answer: Well, other than price, the white light filter will show you only Sunspot activity,
and the H-Alpha, will show your eruptions, flares, Coronal activity and a greater degree of Solar activity
across the Solar Spectrum. In other words, it's a night and day difference.
However, that is also personal preference.

One of our staff members, Alex, likes to sketch Sunspot activity and keep a record of it over time.
In fact, he talks about it all the time like it was manna from heaven. We seriously considered using
duct tape to, well you think about it....:)

Here is a really nice scope for white lite Solar Observing, and you can use it as a computerized telescope too!
Made by our friends at Ioptron

I prefer to observe the wide range of the H alpha Spectrum and of course the bigger the aperture, the more you will see.
Same rules as an astronomical telescope apply here.


There is a lot of excitement about this mount, and Meade has been promising to ship it soon, however
we have not seen any product yet. They won't say what the hold up is, and we know many of you have
been most patient in waiting.

Again, if you want one of these, we are still allocating stock against orders we have placed with Meade
well in advance


Meade expects to start shipping these "any day", as testing has been completed. This mount will handle the
heaviest payloads and with precision. We will have stock available on a limited basis initially ,and
if you want one towards the Summer, we can accommadate you there as well. Please place your order
in advance, as this is not a mass production item! They are built on a small production basis to ensure
the highest quality control

Update on Skywatcher 16" computerized Dobsonian with GPS

We are expecting stock to arrive end of April/Early May.  Listen, at $2995, you are getting a lot of bang for the
buck! Don't hesitate on this one if you are the least bit interested.  We waited months for delivery after our last
shipment sold out.


Well, honestly, where else can you get a 16 inch goto telescope for under three grand?

NEW!  Mallincam Imaging Video Camera,  MC X2

Rock Mallin,  just keeps on Rock-ing! He does not know when to quit....the Mallincam
Xtreme was already a motherlode of powerful  CCD Imaging tool, and now the Rock-er
has announced yet another new and exciting camera...built and made in Canada to boot!

We have stock coming in shortly (we just got our first shipment in, but it wont last long!)

It's so new, we don;t have all the details on it yet, but we will keep you posted.
This much we do know...this is gonna blow the socks of the anyone who is interested
in both VISUAL observing and Easy Planetary and Deep sky Imaging!

Price is $1689, and we are accepting trade-ins of any brand of CCD imaging devices
as well.

 Celestron NexStar 5 CCD Imager-Only $199!

For the budget minded, take advantage of this deal.  You get a 5MP CCD imager complete with
easy to use software.. This product is scheduled to ship in May 2012! We have plenty on order
with Celestron, and as a Premiere plus Celestron dealer, we will get first priority.
We fully expect (and based on our current order log) this to be a hugely successful product.
So don't delay, get your order in today.

Stay tuned for more NEW exciting  product announcements that we have coming for you in the very near future.


To place an order for any of the items listed in this page,  give us a call Toll Free 1 800 580 7160 or|
Local 783 4140 or drop us an email at

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Get ready for a whooping and hollering Summer folks!! (Yep, I really said that...
Beverly Hillbilly Style, with all the fixin's too!!)

Visit our website at

Khan Scope Centre
3243 Dufferin Street
Toronto, Ontario. Canada
M6A 2T2

Toll Free: 1 800 580 7160

Local: 416 783 4140

How to contact us:

24 hour fax: 416 352 1701

Our retail store is open 7 days a week and closed for most major holidays                  

