Subject: Has the world gone mad?

Hello Friend,

      I consider myself fortunate to be involved in the hobby of amateur of astronomy.

Here's why:

With both America and Canada having political elections in the works at the present time,
and after listening to some politicians being interviewed and talking about their policies,
and other mumbo jumbo for the most part, I believe  that is a very reasonable question to ask right now.

           The only way to stay sane throughout this process, is to get out under the stars and
observe with your naked eyes, binoculars or telescope.

Then you can actually see what's real,

And peaceful and quiet for the most part.

(Occassionally the neighbourhood cats and raccoons get into a ruckus of course).

Or do some imaging if that is your bag.

Because in the scheme of the universe, political rhetoric does not count for much.

Ok, now  I feel somewhat better after that short rant.

     Look, it's cheaper than therapy!  (nothing wrong with therapy either btw).

Consider this also.

You can feel better by saving some dough right now, until 8/31, with these special
offers we have on:

Celestron CCD imagers.


Celestron select models of telescope

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Here is another good trick I learnt; When watching a politician speaking on tv,
     turn the volume down, and just watch their body language. Very interesting.