Subject: Has the Bible been misinterpreted?

Hello Friend.

   Well I got several responses in regards to what the age of the actual Universe might be from
readers, and I thought I would share a couple of them with you here:

   Here's an email from reader Bryan Rushton:


For your interest, I would like to say re your comment
that people think that the universe may only be 6000 years

This opinion may come from a misunderstanding of what the Bible calls

If you go into the bibles account of creation it never states
Anything about the creation of the universe, With respect to length of time,
it just says that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
It does mention Creative days with regard to the Earth.

Due to biblical timing, 1 creative day is 7000 years, and the start of the
first creative day came when God started to prepare the earth for mankind.
The Earth no doubt took millions of years to form as a planet
and then to cool down enough for water to form and become ready to support
life.  The days then follow in logical order with preparation and
habitation, human life coming at the end of the 6th day. From the Bibles
account of creation of life, it counts
a total of 6 Creative days so that's six times 7,000
Or 42,000 years to prepare the earth and put life upon it.

The creation of man was at the end of the 6th creative
day then God went into a rest period. From the Bibles account it is man that
has been on the earth for approximated 6,000 years, the universe and the
earth itself has been here for much, much longer.

and another from reader John Borge:


About the universe's age as 6,000 years old.  I read the explanation
which says that since God can do anything, He created a 14 billion
year old universe, 6,000 years ago.
  After all, when Adam was created, he was made immediately as
a 33 year old man.  Did he have a navel?
  Believe what ever you want, because none of it can be proved, and
the Big Bang, to me, is just as preposterous as the 14 billion year old
universe created 6,000 years ago.

In my opinion, you can interpret the Bible, 6 ways to Sunday, and come up
with whatever answer suits your purpose.

While I am quite willing to respect other peoples opinions and beliefs, I just
don't necessarily agree with them.

Here is something you can believe in though, because it's based on facts and
nothing less.

The Vixen Polarie Star Tracker...Now includes a FREE IPHONE Adaptor!

Clear Skies,

Ray "Interpreted" Khan

PS  Last night's episode of Cosmos with  host Neil Degrasse Tyson was a whopper.
      Certainly will make me think of Joseph Fraunhofer, everytime I look through a refractor telescope.