Subject: Harper Government coughs up the dough for the Thirty Metre Telescope

Hello Friend,

    Well the good news is that the Conservative government has made the commitment for it's share
of the funding for the Thirty Meter Telescope being built in Hawaii, on the summit of Mauna Kea.

    That's 243.5 million dollars over the next 10 years.

Canada has already contributed about 30 million dollars thus far.

That's brilliant, it really is. :)

   The telescope itself won't be operational till likely 2024 or so. 

The project involves a consortium between, Japan, China, USA, India and Canada.

   There is a minor stumbling block though.

Some native Hawaiians are protesting on the site, saying they don't want another telescope
built on sacred lands.

About 12 of them were arrested this past week, for blocking the road leading to the top
of the mountain.

They believe the summit will be defiled with the TMT being built on it.

    Perhaps a sacrifice might appease the God's here? 

Or perhaps not.

Sorry, but former Conservative Senator Mike Duffy is not available.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan