Subject: Happy Guy Fawkes day!

Hello Friend,

Yes, today is Guy Fawkes day!

When I was a kid growing up in London, England (UK) , Guy Fawkes day was a fond day
as we got to make effigies of Guy Fawkes, and burn the effigies on the street corner.

(yes, actually set them on fire) and then yell out to passersby : "Penny for the Guy!:
and folks would chuck pennies (which were actually worth a snarfle of Candy back then).

Sort of like Halloween here.

Then we would set off fireworks in the evening, to represent the Parliament buildings
being blown up, by the nefarious Guy Fawkes, in the evening.

I don't think that tradition is done so much these days, and if it is, it's likely a watered
down event.

Oh yes, I forget to mention that Guy Fawkes was the fella who wanted to blow up
the Parliament buildings in London, in the 1600's, because he did not like Oliver Cromwell and his cronies.

He got caught...burnt at the stake for treason!

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS In case you are wondering what all this has to do with astronomy, well think of Comet Ison;
Comets are considered to be harbingers of doom, and no one knows better than Pamela Wallin,
Mike Duffy and Mayor Rob Ford of Toronto. Just sayin' that's all.

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