Subject: Gobsmacked again!

Hello Friend,

There have been a number of new telescope models that quietly showed up this year,
and here are two that I have been meaning to get out of the box
and have a closer look it.

     I always like to see new telescope models close up, it is really like opening a
Christmas present everytime I do this.

A true Gobsmacking experience, in other words.

Regardless of whether it is a beginner or more advanced model.

You never know what you are going to find in the box.

These two models are more for the  entry level, yet are good quality
and obviously well thought out by Celestron engineers.

Sturdy mounts, Quality components, and even high quality XLT
proprietary coatings to increase contrast.

Unlike many beginner telescopes that only frustrate, both these models
will bring a rewarding experience to the first time telescope user.

Not a gutting experience.

Here you go:

 Celestron (22150) Omni XLT 102mm refractor

Celestron (22152) Omni XLT AZ 130mm newtonian

Right, well I am feeling a bit cream crackered right now, so it is
off to get a cup of tea.

Coconut Macaroon flavour in fact.

Clear Skies

Ray Khan