Subject: Get rid of the monkey mind

Hello Friend,

You may have heard the expression "monkey mind" as of late.

If you haven't, what it means is when your mind goes crazy trying to make a decision about
something, or just  getting caught up in your thoughts.

With the busy lives we all seem to lead today, well
sometimes it can drive you bonkers.

What's the solution?

Well, for some the answer is meditation. 

That's where you sit quietly, and try to clear your mind of all thoughts . (note: an impossible task in my opinion).
Or you could try chanting!

  Hey, don't knock it, it works for some monks apparently.

Perhaps you could fly to Tibet, and find Swami Whatsizname, and he could tap with you a feather on your forehead,
and all will be good.

Just not very practical perhaps.

I have a simpler solution for you.

And here it is:  Get out your telescope, and start looking through it.

Ignore all the the thoughts that exclaim: "Oh, but it's too cold".  "The moon is full".

You know the ones I mean......because I get 'em, and I sure you do too.

When you are observing through a telescope, you are focused on what you are looking it,
and therefore your mind is not distracted by the "monkey mind".

And it's entirely relaxing.  It's in real time, and you can see some fascinating stuff as well.

That's the thought for this Sunday.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan