Subject: Get ready to photograph the Lunar Eclipse on the morning of October 8th

Hello Friend,

Are you getting ready to photograph the Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday morning, October 8th?

This one is going to be visible for a good part of North America.

Here are a few tips for you:

1) You'll need to find a western horizon with a relatively clear view.

2) Set the alarm clock to get up early. The event begins at 5:15 am est.

To photograph the eclipse, here is an  article,  on settings and what types of lenses to use.

The article talks about Nikon camera's, but it does not matter which brand you use.

Any digital SLR will work.

Also, there are no safety issues with Lunar eclipses, unlike Solar eclipse, they are perfectly safe.

Make sure you have a warm, beverage by your side, hot chocolate, coffee or tea, to keep you going!

And may the clear skies God's be with you.

Good luck!

Ray Khan

PS Please feel free  send me any images you might obtain, as I enjoy looking at them.  I'll post a few to the 
     khanscope astroimages page.   Include details such  as time taken,
      lens used, ISO and Digital camera brand.