Subject: From Surf and turf, to chicken and biscuits and gravy

Hello Friend,

    A few years back, I visited Little Rock, Arkansas and I got to tell you, I had me some of the
best Fried chicken, gravy and biscuits there.

"Hold back the Grits", I told the waitress.

And no joke here, I was physically the smallest person there, and that was just amongst the
ladies present.;-)

So, a few years back when Scott Roberts, founder of Explore Scientific decided to create his business,
in Arkansas, after working for Meade Instruments for many years on the West Coast of California,
well it seemed a might strange, shall we say.

I've never actually asked Scott this, but perhaps he preferred Chicken & Biscuits, to the Surf and Turf
grub on the West Coast.

Nonetheless, Scott is a fine gentleman, and was always the guy I know that when it came to quality
control, would really accept nothing but the best.

The man is truly passionate about sharing the wonders of the night sky with folks.

And I guess, that's what drives me too.

But the telling tale of quality, is the one that you hear from customers themselves.

Just the other day I was talking Khan scope friend and customer, Bob Stikeman.

Now Bob, just happens to be a top notch lawyer, and he is a stickler for details, as you
can imagine.

I asked his opinion of his new Explore 127 cF triplet apo refractor, and he was quite impressed,
after giving first light to the planet Jupiter.

Then he mentioned the quality of the finderscope.  A joy to use and good resolution, and attention to detail.

That's the attention paid by Scott Roberts.

I'll tell you more about Explore products again, and we'll be making an exciting announcement soon.

Stay tuned!

Clear Skies,

Ray "explore-ing" Khan

PS If you are particular about the instruments you use, I will have some good news coming up for you soon,
     so hang in there.