Subject: Following my own advice, drove me bonkers.

Hello Friend,

I suffer from a  mild form of OCD.  (Obsessive, compulsive disorder is the technical term).

That means, I tend to repeat statements more than once sometimes, especially when under stress.

Usually I'm not aware when I'm doing it, but others around me sure  are.

And my OCD kicked into full gear the other day, when I was updating the firmware on my
Celestron telescope.

I carefully followed the instructions, to the letter, about how to do this.

Did everything correctly, and then the message:

"Your  device memory is corrupted"!

EGADS!  What wayward, tickled brain varlot, designed this stuff?

Of course, I won't bore you with the other #$%@ sentiments that I expressed.

(note to self: this statement above  could be the OCD kicking in again).

Anyway, now I will hand the whole kit and kaboodle over to our technician at Khan Scope
and let him deal with it.

And the same applies to you; If you get stuck, or have a problem with your telescope, that
you just can't get a fix on, then let our expert technician at Khan Scope take care of the problem for you.

Does not matter if you bought the instrument from us or not, or what make or brand it
might be.

Sometimes, what appears to be a simple fix, isn't always the case.

I'll have to tell you about the fun I had installing a  so called "Smart TV" this past week too.

Worst instructions I ever read.  Don't the flipping manufacturers ever hire an editor
to read this crap before they publish it?

Man, did the OCD ever kick in on that one!

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

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