Subject: Float like a butterfly, Sting like a Bee

Hello Friend,

I was truly saddened to wake up today to find out Muhammad  Ali, had passed away.   Not only was Ali a great fighter, but a man who stood up for what he believed in. He was a gentleman in and out of the ring as well. Some of today's sportsmen just would not stack up.

He really was the greatest. And he always said so.  The man had an undeniable spirit. I would remember watching him box many years ago and Ali was lightning fast on his feet. It was difficult for opponents to land a damaging punch to him. They were usually on the receiving end of a devastating hook, and it was game over.

They were seeing stars of a different kind.

When I pull out my telescope next, I will be thinking of Ali, who has left his mark here on planet earth, teaching us all the great values of
conviction and fighting for what you believe in.

Are you old enough to remember this?

Check out the song: Black Superman

Rest in Peace , Champ!

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Nice Sunny day here in Toronto, so it's back to work here at a very busy Khan Scope Centre
    for me.