Subject: "Exterminate! Exterminate!

Hello Friend,

One of the hardest working people I know in this industry is Rock Mallin.

I mean, he's in the dungeon, concocting all kinds of amazing stuff.

This dude is constantly at work,   designing better products,
for amateur astronomers.

And now behold, he has unleashed his latest incarnation:  The "Exterminator"!

I thought the Dalek's in Dr. Who, had a patent on extermination, but apparently not.

"Exterminate! Exterminate!"

Sorry, getting a bit carried away here.

Anyway, here are all the details below:

It's new... It's bad... It's waiting on you to unleash the potential...

The MallinCam Xterminator Astronomy Video CCD Camera is the finest most advanced video CCD camera ever created for astronomical work by anyone. It has a new 14 bits DSP processor, dual preamps, and dual bias algorithm allowing continuous automatic adjustment of the CCD sensor. It also has the latest ICX828 EXview HAD II CCD ceramic sensor and the new A/D converter to DSP has been reconfigured to deliver the cleanest image ever seen in a live video CCD camera even with short exposure times.

The MallinCam Xterminator Astronomy Video CCD Camera can reach magnitude 17 with a 6 inch telescope in or about 10 seconds exposure under ideal atmospheric conditions with a short focal length making it the most sensitive Live Video CCD camera ever offered. One will rarely ever use exposures greater than 45 seconds to view live, full color, deep sky objects making this camera ideal for any tracking mount - including alt-az mounted telescopes.

I'll be back...

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Here is the link again , with all the details: