Subject: Evidence that life is created in a Comet!

Hello Friend,

       Yesterday was certainly an exciting day with the information being shared on the Rosetta Orbiter,
that had been traveling through space for several years, and had just "woken up" from it's long shutdown
and tweeted and relayed it's first words to earth: "Hello World".

          Imagine....31 months in hibernation and silence...then those magic words!

     The European Space scientists were elated, needless to say...and so they should be.

Newsletter Reader Paul Kusch of  White Rock, BC wrote in to say:

"Just amazing!  Even the math skill involved in navigating to that 4km comet astounds me.

But maybe the truth is, Rosetta wandered into the Oort Cloud where 2 trillion comets congregate in the big traffic-circle.

 It's dark, so who can tell one comet from another?  Very little math needed with those odds ... just hold on and wait for the bump!

    In my case, life started for me in the back seat of a Comet ... at the drive-in, or so I've been told."

So Paul does provide  evidence that life indeed can be created in a Comet..... (or at least the back seat of one).

    One of the best tools for observing Comets and sky objects of all kinds is a pair of binoculars, and especially in
the Winter months when you just want to get out for a quick look.

 A decent pair of  binos, is a wonderful   complement to your telescope.  Celestron makes some of the best for
this purpose, and you can check them out right over here:

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS My favorite Celestron Binocular is the Skymaster 8 x 56, it's well balanced in the hands, and lots of light
coming in, and nice field of view.