Subject: Every amateur astronomer's enemy

Hello Friend,

There is no doubt that at one time or another, you have faced this enemy.

     It's the enemy of every amateur astronomer.

And here's the thing: The dutch artist Van Gogh was way ahead of his time,
and knew how annoying turbulence was when you tried to observe the

    My favorite Van Gogh painting, 'Starry Night', is the one that
show's this first and foremost.

In fact, if you have ever dropped by the Khan Scope retail store, you will have
noticed a mural painted on the back wall, which shows our version of the
Starry night, with the CN Tower in the foreground.

The late Don Parker, astrophotographer produced stunning planetary astro-images.

His secret?

He knew about turbulence, and how to avoid it.

   Many of his awesome astro-images were taken in Florida.  Where the air was steady
and thus it was possible to obtain excellent contrast.

As for Van Gogh, here is an interesting article about his knowledge of the night sky:

    Thanks to my daughter Chantal for bringing this to my attention.

Clear and steady Skies,

Ray Khan

PS  Be sure to watch the Video at the end of the article!