Subject: Even Sean Penn could not write this

Hello Friend,

I recently received an email from a customer, who had purchased an 8 inch dobsonian telescope over
the holidays.

       Was shaking my head as I was reading it, because it was hard to believe that anyone
could be so clueless. 

      But they can apparently.

    Now let me be clear: I am not making fun of this person.

He is not a bad person.

First of all the customer was upset because he did not realize that he actually had to take
the telescope outside of the house  to use it.

  He had set it up in his living room, looked through the eyepiece and could not see

     Now let me get this right: You want to set it up in your living room and magically
look through the ceiling?

Sorry, but the telescope is not Superman.  It does not have X-ray vision.

   His argument was that Canada's climate does not lend it self to outdoor observing.

Apparently, we had "failed to mention this very crucial detail".

   But that is not all.

Because it was an 8 inch telescope, he fully expected it to be 8" long in size
(just like the picture on the website).

How could we have mislead him?

There was more, but it was just as insufferable.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Here is another telescope that just went on sale for January