Subject: Early morning skies and another look at Comet PanSTARRS

Hello Friend,

Remember Comet PanSTARRS?

Well, it's back!

There were great expectations for it, but it kind of fizzled out. 

Usaully the case for any comet that get's hyped up in the media. (ie Kohutek).

If you are an early riser  though, you'll be able get a none to shabby look at it again, with a pair
of binoculars.   10 x 50 are ideal, but use whatever you have on hand.

It's worth giving it a go!

Where to find it:  Towards the constellation Hydra,, and moving into Puppis.

At about 5.9 magnitude,  it will be a good observing target.

When to look:  The first week of October will be best, in the pre-dawn sky and moonless nights.

Key: Find a dark sky if you can.  Makes it easier to locate.

To find the exact location, check out a star chart in your favorite astronomy magazine or
Planetarium app/software.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS You can also find it with a telescope, however I suggest locating it with binoculars first, then
      honing in on the target, with the telescope at moderate magnfications.