Subject: Don't use shaving cream for toothpaste

Hello Friend,

Yesterday was spent sorting, counting  and shifting inventory around and getting organized
for the busy holiday season that will shortly be upon us.

Our warehouse is busting at the seams.

Either I'm getting older, or the telescope boxes are getting heavier.

This morning, after groggily waking up after a not so good night's sleep,  I wandered into
the bathroom, with the intent of brushing my teeth.

Usually, first thing I do is reach for the toothbrush, and that's just what I did.

Now, I happen to use shaving cream, in a squeeze tube and inadvertently picked that
up and squeezed it onto my toothbrush.

Next thing you know I was brushing my teeth with it, and wow, what a wake up call.

It tasted bloody awful.  No mint flavour of any kind.


What a way to start the day.

Fortunately for you, I am going to leave you with a good taste in your mouth.

First of all, we've just posted the "Night Sky for November video" on the main
page, which will give you the highlights of what's coming up this month to observe.

You can watch it right here:

Secondly we've just started a myriad of new promotions for the month of November,  and there
will be more to follow, so stayed tuned.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS As you may know, the fall can be one of the best observing times of the year, so take advantage
     of the opportunity. It's a bit cool, but no bugs, and crisp skies for the most part. :)