Subject: Don’t let Covid 19 get you down completely

Hi Friend

I certainly hope you and your family are doing well under the current

We’ve all certainly had our share our difficult times as of late with the
Covid 19 outbreak.

Here is the thing though: When you are handed a difficult situation like
this one you
Just have to learn to make the best of it.

We in the amateur astronomy community are fortunate that we can still go
out and look at the stars. To some degree,amateur astronomy can be
anti-social hobby so the social distancing
Is already there to begin with.

Spring is fast approaching and the weather is getting a tad more

So here is what you can do, now that a lot of us are working from home and
have the time.

Get out into your backyard on the next clear night. (Even if It’s a full
And look up.

Whether it’s naked eye, a pair of binoculars or a telescope you can see
something even from the city.

Stargazing has a therapeutic effect and is also helps calm the mind.
At least that’s been my experience with the hobby.

Even going out on a very cold winter night for a few minutes.

Sure, I prefer the darker skies of the north country, but can also find
worthwhile objects to
Observe in the city at any time of the year.

So get away from CNN and the TV News . That’s just going to make your
more depressed anyway. You will still get the summary of what you need to
know one way or another.

Skip the “chill and Netflix” habit once in a while as well.
Maybe read a book instead. Sip a glass of wine or whatever beverage you

Like the NEW Cosmos book by Ann Druyan (The late Carl Sagans spouse).

Take a walk in your neighbourhood and visit a park. Chat with your

Can’t visit a restaurant? Then try a “video” dinner. Arrange a
FaceTime dinner time
With friends or family.

Play a board game like Scrabble or card games.

There really are all sorts of creative things you can do, if you put your
mind to it.

In the meantime stay safe.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS It’s also a great time to be kind to others. Check in on elderly
neighbours or anyone you think might need some help at this time.

PPS Note: Our retail operation is still open for business, repairs and
service though on more limited
hours. (We are closed Mondays) Open Monday to Saturday as long as
permitted by the
City of Toronto.
Our online store continues to operate 24/7 and we do have some excellent
promotions on for the month of March and beyond. We are of course applying
measures as
Recommended by Health Canada in terms of wiping down the counters and
Visa terminals and door handles. The store is limited to 2 customers at
any given time to
Ensure proper social distancing.