Subject: Don't get ripped off

Hello Friend,

Warning: Rant forthcoming!

Recently I have received several emails and phone calls from customers asking me questions about another telescope retailer in Canada
who has apparently disconnected their phone , closed their retail store and is not responding to questions about their orders, and according to the customers,  outright lying to them about their stock situation  and asking me if I know what is really going on.

The straight answer is: I have no idea.   
One person specifically said that they had placed an order for a Celestron NexStar 5 se telescope, over 2 months ago and was
getting the runaround.

That's a regular stock item for us, so I suggested they simply cancel the order, get their money back and we could deliver it
same day.

Which is what ended up happening.

I am a fairly impatient person myself,  and generally have no patience to wait around weeks, let alone months for anything.

When I went to the Red Lobster restaurant, just across the road  earlier this week and they told me "45 minute wait time", I left and went to the  Greek restaurant about 100 ft away, and was seated immediately.

Chalk that up to the power of being hungry.

Of course, if I was buying an electric Tesla automobile, where the wait time is perhaps a year or longer, and they tell you
that upfront, well that's a different story isn't it?

Look, I don't like to see anyone in my industry having a tough go, but unfortunately nonsense like this tarnishes the whole 
industry, and pisses off other telescope dealers, like yours truly.

Rant officially over!   

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS I told you about the new Celestron CGX computerized Equatorial mount yesterday.,Well we are almost sold out of the stock we received.  There is one unit left in stock as of today.