Subject: Don't do this with your computerized telescope.

Hello Friend,

Computerized telescopes are abundant today.

Thanks to brilliant engineering.

You just flip a switch, the telescope can even do a self alignment as in the case of the Meade 8"  Lightswitch ACF ,
or the Celestron SkyProdigy or Celestron  Starsense automatic alignment accessory.

Or in some cases, it's  a simple 1 or 2 star alignment.

However, a danger lurks within.

The ease of use in finding objects, means that you might be inclined to jump from one object to another
during your observing sessions.


Don't do it ,Friend.

Don't be in a big rush to get to the next object, just because you can punch it in, and find it quickly.

Instead, take the time to savour and appreciate the object you are presently looking at.

Here are the benefits in doing so.  You will not only see more detail, say over a period of 20 minutes
by paying attention to what you are looking at, you may also see more subtle details reveal themselves
to you as well.

This is particularly true with deep space objects, such as nebulae, Galaxies.

When the "seeing'" is favourable, meaning steady air currents and minimal turbulence, that is
when you'll get some great observing in.

That's why you will notice that some nights are better than others. 

September is a great month to stargaze. The bugs are for the most part gone, and it get's darker earlier
and there are a lot of cool objects to look at as well.

Keep this in mind for your next observing session.

Just pick an object, either one you are familiar with already, or something brand new that you might
find in your planetarium app or astro magazine, and take the time to check it out.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Now having said all this, I am presently having a lot of fun using the new Celestron 9.25" Evolution
, and my Ipad mini. The latest in "goto" technology!