Subject: Don't cry for me Argentina

Hello Friend,

    The past few weeks have been a roller coaster ride for World cup soccer fans.

Ups and downs, that left many fans shaking their heads in disbelief.

Pop star Madonna, had a hit with the song "Don't cry for me Argentina" many years ago,
but of course many fans in and from Argentina are crying, after that boffo loss in overtime
with Germany victorious with a 1-0 win, to become world cup champions, for 2014.

My favorite team, England was booted out early, and while dissapointing, not exactly a surprise.

     Now of course, many other folks, who could give a hoot about world cup soccer, are glad that
the whole thing is over, and some sense of "normalcy" in the streets of Toronto, might prevail.

Was their any normalcy in the streets of Toronto, to begin with?

If you've ever driven here, you might wonder.. :)

Now, today I've also got some unrelated to sports news for you. 

I'm quite excited to announce this brand new  product, because it's one that many amateur astronomers have been
asking about.

It's manufactured by our friends at Skywatcher. 

And it's called the Skywatcher Star Adventurer Astro mount.


What's really unique about this mount is it's ability to not only do precision astrophotography,
but time lapse as well.

Built in is external USB power support, and Electronic Shutter Digital camera control features.

This product is brand new, and arriving into stock very shortly, so this is a head's up for you.

If you are doing any kind of travelling, then this is the mount system you want to take with you.

It has an 11lb (5KG) payload capability.

You can read more about it here


To order, give us a call at 1 800 580 7160 toll free or local 416 783 4140.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Kudos to team Germany, for having the wisdom to respect and not chide and egg on, their Brazilian opponents
     when they beat them 7-0 in another recent match up.  That takes some pretty clear heads to do that, and thus
    a well earned win, for good sportmanship to our German friends.