Subject: Don't buy this $99 telescope

Hello Friend,

There is a very specific reason you will see very few $99 telescopes on our website.

It's because the majority of them are crap.

Junk. Useless as tits on a boar.

When someone comes into our store to buy a $100 telescope, we will do everything we can to discourage them.

Why?  Because we want, whomever is getting the telescope to have a positive experience when starting out in this hobby.

A customer asked this question the other day.  "Well if they are so bad, why do you even sell them?".

If they insist they want the $99 telescope, we will sell them one.   If we don't, they will just buy it somewhere else anyway.

So what's a good beginner telescope?

Here are two excellent choices, that are on sale until December 10th that will bring satisfaction to the end user.

1) Meade 130mm LightBridge Dobsonian (Winner of Sky & Tel Hot product award for 2016)

2) Meade 130mm Polaris equatorial reflector

They will have a good experience, which is what we do want.

Not get discouraged and lose interest in what might have been a fun and exciting hobby.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan