Subject: Don't believe everything you read

Hello Friend,

We are indeed living in an age of disinformation today.

"I read it on the internet-it must be true!" is the battle cry of the uninformed.

As a society, critical thinking skills appear to be slowly disappearings.

Now that's just my observation and opinion, but here is a test you can do.

Walk into any bookstore and ask to see the books on Astronomy.    Usually a small section.

If you are lucky, you won't be taken to the Astrology section which consists of dozens of more books.


That is why there was a March for Science in Toronto on Sunday this past weekend
at Queen's Park.

More Science and less BS, please.

Astronomy is one of the great physics that we are fortunate as amateur astronomers to be able
to enjoy and even contribute too scientifically if we choose too.

Another thing that will be disappearing in just 6 days is the Explore Scientific eyepiece sale.

Your critical thinking skills should tell you that saving money is a good thing.

Ok, It's a no-brainer in this case!

Regardless of IQ, you can participate.  

And the good news?

You can also get FREE SHIPPING on your order:

Just cut and paste this  code: exploreneaf and paste it into the checkout page
in the discount box.

And Bob's yer uncle.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan