Subject: Don't be under a rock on August 21st

Unless you've been living under a rock lately, then you will have heard about what's happening on August 21st this year.

I'm talking about none other than the Great Solar Eclipse of course. 

A wide swath of the United States from East to West will be covered in 100% totality. 

Many parts of Canada will also get some coverage.  Here in Toronto, it's going to be 70%.

This will be the most watched Eclipsed in North America without a doubt.  The last one was in the previous century, and the next one is in 2045.

Now here's the thing: At the very least you are going to want a decent pair of Solar Glasses to use to observe this event.

Theone's that we are offering, along with other Filters and gears by reputable manufacturers can be found right here.

Or just visit   for more details.

But you've got to hurry, because we are getting low on some items and expect to be sold out on others.

Please don't wait till the day before to order,
because........well you know, it just isn't going to happen.

I always have to say this because many folks don't listen and then complain when it's too late.

A word to the wise. 

Clear and sunny  Skies,

Ray Khan