Subject: Don't be afraid of trying something new

Hello Friend,

       As I was sipping on a Rum Punch at the beach bar yesterday, I got to thinking about how
sometimes how easy it is to fall into an observing rut.

By that I mean, a tendency to look at the same objects, because we are familiar with them
and they are relatively easy to find.

      One way to challenge and inspire yourself again, is to pick an object that might be on the verge of your
ability to find  with your equipment.

You can usually find something in one of the monthly astronomy magazines which will
give you an idea about what to look for that particular month.

      It may be something you have never seen or heard about previously, or could be something
that you may have heard about.

If you have even a modicum of artistic ability ( I can barely draw a straight line), sometimes
sketching an object, is another way of really paying attention to what you are looking at in the
night sky, and obtaining the most detail from it.

      It is possible to burn out from stargazing and lose your passion for it, if you aren't trying
something different on occasion.

     Now having said that, it is quite easy to get invigorated under warm skies, where you are
not freezing your azz off.

So if you are heading south, to warmer climes, be sure to bring along a pair of binoculars or
a small telescope, or solar telescope to observe with.

Or see if there is a local astronomy group or club locally that has some stargazing nights.

Here in Barbados, they have the Harry Bayley Observatory,
which has public observing on Friday nights, a lecture, and sky tour.

Interestingly, the building of the observatory was funded by a grant from a previous Canadian lottery,
called Wintario, many years ago along with local fundraising efforts.

It houses a Meade 16" SCT telescope  and also a Lunt 80mm Solar telescope.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS This New Lunt 50mm Solar Scope  is a real humdinger, and ideal to carry on an airplane.
      We have them in stock right now, and they have already sold out previously and are on
       backorder from Lunt at the moment.