Subject: Don't Miss Out - Hard to get Telescopes back in stock

Hello Friend

First, many thanks to those of you who responded with your Terence Dickinson memories.  Seems many of you had the opportunity to meet him in person at a lecture or star party. 


 Indeed his legacy will carry on for many years following his recent passing


Last weekend, I finally got a glimpse of the Green Comet.  Using Kite 16 x 42 image Stabilzed binoculars  and Meade 8 x 40 Masterclass PRO binoculars I managed to get a glimpse of it before the bright star Capella a few degrees.


Under Thornbury, Ontario skies I saw it in spite of a full moon. 


It certainly has a green tinge to it, but no great tail to speak of.  


You stil have a chance to catch it before it dissapears from the evening sky

Take advantage of any windows of opportunity this upcoming week.


Here are a few products that have been out of stock for a long time  that have showed up this week. Take a look to see if there might be something you might be interested in.



Celestron Nexstar 8 Evolution Computerized telescope


Heritage 130 Dobsonian Telescope 


Redcat 51 Petzval Apo -Version 2


Celestron EdgeHD 800 Optical Tube Assembly

 Celestron 8" CPC EdgeHD Deluxe Computerized Telescope - 


Celestron EdgeHD 11 Optical Tube Assembly  


Enjoy your weekend.



Clear Skies


Ray Khan