Subject: Does your telescope have these weak links?

Hello Friend,

     Some times it's just a minor tweak that can improve your telescope.

Over the years, I've found that making some small changes with your  instrument,
can give you vastly improved results.

These are more for entry level and  some mid range scopes, but same principles
apply to higher end instruments as well.

There a 3 areas in which you can make some minor changes, and get big results.

Here there are:

#1: Eyepieces;  I can't repeat this enough times. Do not use poor quality eyepieces.  They
      will detract and take away from your observing pleasure.
      Stay away from most Kellner's, and  plossls type designs, which for the most part are the standard supplied
     eyepieces with a lot of entry level telescopes.
     A manufacturer cannot give you top end optics out of the box, because they want to keep the telescope
     You don't need a whole bunch of eyepieces either; Just 3 decent ones will handle 99% of your observing

#2  The mount: Tighten up all nuts and bolts here. Wing nuts also.  If neccessary, use spacers or washers (plastic or teflon is better)
       to ensure that all slop or play is eliminated.   To stabililze the tripod, hang a heavy weight (the type you
       can buy as a free weight for bodybuilding), or use a bag filled with sand.

#3 Slow motion controls:  If possible, replace these with some kind of knob.  What happens it that when
      it's a bit windy, the cables will jiggle, and cause vibration. 

Paying attention to your telescope, and noticing any changes that might be occuring over time is just as important.
The more you use your equipment, the better attuned you will become with it.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS Remember, if you are not able to resolve telescope problems, our technician's can help.  You can email us
     at for further assistance.