Subject: Does this sound like you?

Hello Friend,

Do you have a telescope sitting in your house but rarely take it out because it's heavy and too hard to set up?

If so, that's a real shame.

One of our customers,  Gary found himself in exactly that situation.

His telescope weighed around 30kg, purchased over 15 years ago (when he
 was 15 years younger ...LOL)

And it was time and effort to set the thing up, took about 45 minutes.

After a while, he just stopped using it.  

 Hs wife recently  had told him to use it or get rid of it as it was taking up too much space
in the master bedroom closet.

 He decided to trade it in and  purchased a lighter weight and far more portable and easy to use
Meade 8" LS8 ACF.   The instrument Weighs 14kg and sets-up in minutes.

I would not recommend that particular scope to everyone,  it depends on what your specific needs are
and your circumstances.  Apt. Versus house for example.

If this sounds like you, then perhaps it's time for you to rethink what might better work
for you,   There are many innovations in today's equipment, and one of them is to streamline the gear
and make it more efficient.

Let us  help you out with our trade-in program.  

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS We also buy telescopes for cash if that's your preference.  Either way, you want to ensure that your equipment
does not sit in a cupboard collecting dust. Telescopes need to be looked through, not at.