Subject: Does Johnny look through his telescope anymore?

Hello Friend,

     Does Johnny look through his telescope anymore?

I recall many years ago(way before the internet rolled around) when looking through the Sky & Tel magazine, there would be an ad on the back pages for a company called Unitron.

    Pictured was a 60mm Unitron brand refractor, and this kid (Johnny) looking through it, instead of watching
television (say something like "Dragnet", which was a police show, back in the day).

    What was really cool in those days, is that you could send away for a telescope, and make monthly payments
to Unitron Corporation and use the telescope while you were paying it off. (With your parents permission of course).

       At least that's what the ad claimed.

   And you had to do it that way then, because commercial telescopes of decent quality, like that 60mm Unitron,
cost what was a pretty penny back then.

     But here's the thing: A kid looking through a telescope, is going to have his or her mental brain cells stimulated
and that kid is going to question things and try to understand what he or she is looking at.

     And that's a good thing.

So, tommorow being family day, here in Ontario, Canada is a holiday.   And this might be a good time to introduce
a kid you know, to a telescope, or even talk about astronomy in general for that matter.

     Who knows, you may open up a mind or two in the process.   And that's a good thing.

Clear Skies,

Ray "Johnny come lately" Khan

PS We are open for business today Sunday, from 11 to 6pm, and we will be closed tommorow Monday for
      family day, and it's business as usual Tuesday.