Subject: Do you remember the St. Valentine's day massacre?
Hello Friend,
It was a cold Winter's day in Chicago, at 2122 North Clark street, in the year of 1929 on February 14th
St. Valentines day.
It was a time of Prohibition, and speakeasies. And the Moran gang were hijacking Capone's
liquor shipments.
And Al Capone, wanted to put an end to it.
That's when the Capone mob, so it's thought, decided to try to rub out several members of the Bug's Moran
gang, by disguising themselves as cops, (Moran himself, was not actually present that fateful morning)
and gunning them down with the infamous gangsters weapon of choice: A pair of Thompson submachine gun, "aka Tommy gun".
One held a 20-round box magazine and the other a 50-round drum.
As for Al Capone himself, he was conveniently in Florida (a great alibi), and when asked about his involvement
blamed Moran for shooting his own men: "They don't call him Bugs for nuthin'", he stated.
Amazingly, no gangsters were ever convicted for these slayings, despite much evidence; But gangsters live and die
by the code, and not even as he lay dying, riddled with bullets, gangster Frank Gusenberg, when questioned by the
first police officers on the scene said: "I'm not talking". (Obviously, he'd been watching too many Jimmy Cagney movies).
I was visiting Chicago in the early 1970's and decided to pay a visit to 2122 N. Clark street to see if the building
still stood. Turns out it's a parking lot of a nursing home now.
Now, ever heard of the" telescope observing massacre? " It's truly one of the worse things that can happen, usually
late at night, when you are all set for a decent nights observing.
And what happens?
Your telescope gets dewed up and you can't see a bleeding thing. I've seen desperate amateur astronomers, rub
their shirtsleeves (gag!) to clean the dew off the corrector plate or refractor objective. A definite NO-NO!
Best thing to do? Get A dew shield, that's what. Not only does it protect your telescope from getting fogged
up, and killing your observing session, but as reader Denis Fell fell pointed out, it increases the contrast in
your telescope, by cutting down on scattered light coming in from different directions.
Anyway, give us a call toll free 1 800 580 71601 800 580 7160 or local 416 783 4140
416 783 4140 and we can assist you in choosing the
correct dew prevention accessories for your particular telescope, or have a look see over here:
Clear Skies,
Ray "dewless" Khan
PS It's a full moon tonite, so more than likely it's gonna be clear. Wanna bet?