Subject: Do you remember the Celestron Skyscout?

Hello Friend,

I received an email from a customer the other day asking a few questions about a product made by Celestron,
called the SkyScout.

When it  first came out, the SkyScout was a remarkable learning tool.

You held it in your hand, and then you would point it at the sky, locate an object and press
a button and it would identify the object for you.

And in some cases, provide an audio narrative of the object you were looking at.

Plus, if new objects came along, (ie a comet), Celestron would update the database,
and you could also use the SkyScout to locate and find objects as well, with it's built in gps.

Fast forward to 2014.

Most people today, own and use a smartphone, and thus Celestron has created a new, free
downloadable app, called Skyportal.

You can find it on google play or the app store, and download it.

One other really cool thing you can do with this app is actually control your computerized
Celestron telescope, with the new optional SkyQ Link Wifi 2 Module.

So as a result, the SkyScout device has been obsoleted by current technology, and thus
Celestron is no longer supporting it, and investing their time and resources in Skyportal.

You can't beat the price. It's FREE!

And therefore accessible and available to many more people.

And sharing the night sky, and getting more people interested in observing  it, is the name of the game.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS I still have my original Skyscout and use it on occassion, It would be nice if Celestron
     would continue to update it, but that's not going to happen.