Subject: Do you love or hate the Moon?

Hello Friend,

   When the subject of the Moon comes  up, many an amateur astronomer cringes.

Especially those who are astroimagers.


Because the moon in it's many phases can sometimes interfere with deep sky imaging.

Not to mention any deep sky observing by visual observers.

     Even I've cursed the moon on the odd occasion when it's interfered with my
ability to observe a particular object.

   Personally, I've grown to like the moon over the past few years, because it is always fascinating
to observe naked eye, and through a telescope or a pair of binoculars.

How about you?  Love it or hate it?

    Alas, there is one astroimager who absolutely loves the moon, and takes some darn good images
of it to boot.

His name is Robert Reeves of San Antonio, Texas.

Reeves is also the author of several books and writes for most of the major amateur astronomy publications.

You can learn a bit more about him here, and also see just what I'm talking about when I say stunning  lunar images.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS  Of course the word  lunacy originates from one having been affected by the phases of the moon.
      My sweetie always warns me to watch out around the time of the full moon.  Must be placebo affect,
      because she is generally right!