Subject: Do you know these famous women in Astronomy?

Hello Friend,

                Caroline Herschel discovered eight comets!

Being International Woman's day today, it occurred to me that in the past, there were many women of science, that were
not given due credit for much of the work they did.

     Of course, back in the day, women did not have equal rights, and in the area of astronomy and astrophysics, they may
have done much research, but unfortunately did not get the proper credit for the same.

       Usually a Professor or male researcher would get the credit.   It's just the way it was back then.

Fortunately, that's all changed.

     For example, have you ever heard of Annie Jump Cannon? (1863–1941) ? She Devised the basic method for classifying the stars.

Or how about Henrietta Swan Leavitt (1868–1921). Determined how to measure distances in space accurately.

Those are just a few:

And today we have some contemporary remarkable women of Science and Astronomy.

Here are just a few of them:

Carolyn C. Porco Leads the Cassini imaging science team in the study of Saturn and its moons and rings

Carolyn Shoemaker Discovered many comets, including one that smashed into Jupiter.

Jill Tarter Leader in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

Wendy Freedman Leader in measuring the expansion rate of the universe.

Sara Seager  leading the way in exoplanet discoveries and research.

Great stuff.   And that's just a few of them.

       It's also been said, that behind every smart man, there is a woman somewhere.  But we aren't gonna touch on that
today, because the majority of men would likely agree that it's true.

Clear Skies,

Ray Khan

PS We really need to continue to encourage young people, whether male or female to consider careers in Astronomy & Astrophysics
      if they are so inclined. You have no idea whom you might inspire, by sharing a view through your own telescope!